Peter Kayafas
Essay by Allan Gurganus
Song by Eef Barzelay Purple Martin Press, 2009
New York
8.5 x 10 inches, cloth
160 pages, 65 duotones
ISBN 978-0-9797768-1-6
$50.00 View photographs
from the book at
“Peter Kayafas has spent twenty years out there breaking the speed limit of the intelligible. He has photographed eateries and ruins and horizons, the starts of parades, the aftermaths of tornados, human faces, human backs. In terms both of mileage and vision, he has earned his Union Card for Loners. Other traveling sages enjoy cranky membership; Robert Frank and Walker Evans come to mind. But travel, openness, talent carried to the force of love, these have helped make Kayafas The Road’s favored recent disciple, co-dependent.
Somehow the road yields up to him its collective privacies. Billboards promise one thing — surrounding desert begs to differ. Out there, in Kayafas’ lexicon and lens, an elk can seem a unicorn. That con man might prove the Messiah caught hitchhiking. Atop each homemade grave-marker, a bead of our recombinant national DNA awaits. Kayafas is especially attuned to how man-made objects interpret the very landscape that inspired then ruined them.”
ORDER Please send a check payable to Purple Martin Press for $50.00 and $6.00 for shipping and handling to: Peter Kayafas Purple Martin Press PO Box 525 New York, NY 10026 |